Fanfiction - The Don'ts (Part 1)

Hello Folkie-Dots!

Over the years I’ve read a lot of fan fiction. The good, the bad, the shocking, the traumatising.
Only recently have I started writing my own fan fiction on Quotev and more recently transferring things to Wattpad. I know I have a long way to go in order of popularity and followers, but I like to think that I’m a bit of an experienced reader with this stuff.
So, today I’m going to be sharing with you writers some things that I notice as a reader, that might want me to stop reading immediately. So, if you don’t want that to happen read on!

  • It’s A Story Not A To-Do List!

This one seriously grates on my nerves. Nobody wants to read: “I got out of bed, put on my slippers, then walked into the bathroom. I used the toilet, then wiped and flushed. I jumped into the shower and washed my hair with lavender shampoo...” Are you bored yet? We might do these things in real life, but in books the reader usually takes it for granted that we do all these things. Usually, they have no plot advancement either, and when nothing is progressing; readers fall asleep.

  • Character Bio’s

I can see how these things can be helpful for the author, but for me it sends up immediate red flags that say ‘This is an immature writer!’. Never give your readers all the information, and especially don’t do it on the first page and haven't even begun to read your story yet! Let your reader discover the character’s backstory, looks and character as the story progresses.

  • Mary-Sues

This one might need some explanation. A Mary-Sue is a perfect character. They look perfect, they act perfect, they always know what to say, everyone loves them, they overcome obstacles with ease, and yada yada yada... These type of characters are so unbelievable. With every set of skills there needs to be some flops, with every success there needs to be some defeat. Make your characters fight, strive, cry. Because nobody is perfect, not even fictional characters.

  • Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation.

I feel like this should be an obvious one, but I see so many online stories lacking in this essential department, and I’m not just talking about one or two mistakes. I’m talking about basic stuff like: full-stops (periods), capital letters, paragraphs. Yes, I know sometimes it can be a pain, but most writing software have a built in spell-check. USE IT!

  • Everlasting Break-ups

I can read a good break up, but what I can’t read what I like to call yo-yo dating. This goes for real life too. If I kept constantly breaking up and getting back together with a guy, that’s not healthy!  It's also extremely annoying. If you want them together then do it, stop changing your mind! Break them up? Fine, just don't keep resorting to that to try and add drama.

  • The Sarcastic Witty One...

Have you noticed that so many of the fan fiction female characters are almost extremely alike? They all have this sarcastic witty humour that is way overused. There are also other overused character types, but that's another blog post.

  • Wait, What’s the Plot again?

Listen, I love my romance scenes. But, if used in excess it becomes very dull. Add a bit of romance, add a nice ‘squishy’ scene, but don’t lose focus!

And that is all for today! Pretty much all of these tips can be used even if you’re writing your own original story too. These are things that I find 'unappealing' in a story and you by no means have to discard all of them to write a good story.
This is part one of two. In the next part I will be sharing some of the 'does' of fan fiction!

Thanks for reading ~ Louise


  1. Those are great tips! I agree with everything single one of them. As a huge reader myself, I hate when authors start off with a to-do list and character bio all in one page! 😖 I'll never remember what her eyes and hair looked like by page 2! -lettafish

    1. I know right! Thanks for your comment! :)


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