A Letter To My Anxiety

Light shines through the dark moments...

Dear Anxiety,

I don’t think I really need to ask how you are. I think you’re alive and well. In fact, I know you are.

This is a letter for you, anxiety, because I want to tell you exactly what I feel about you. And how you’ve impacted me. How you’ve pulled me lower than I ever thought I could go.

I was happy without you, anxiety. Now my days are dark and dull with no sunshine. You’ve taken away my light and creativity. My imagination which once ran wild with stories is empty. Like a haunted house, only the ghosts remain.

I’m scared to go out now anxiety, did you know? I’m afraid that you’ll overwhelm me... Attack me with everything you’ve got.

You make me feel like I have no hope and no future. That I am worthless. A waste of space.

But you do not control me, Anxiety. I will defeat you. It may take time, but I will destroy you.
I’m taking control now, Anxiety. You will have no hold over me. I will not be your slave for the rest of my life. I am choosing to be free and happy. I have God on my side while you are just an instrument of Satan.

I hope you have a nice destruction.



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