20 Facts About Me!

20 Facts About ME!

       I thought this post would be super fun to do. It’s hard for you guys to really know me through just my Insta, especially because I’m quite forgetful about stories, and for some reason my posts sound very formal? At least to me they do...
So, I got to thinking maybe I could do a blog post, which gives me a lot more freedom. So without any more jabbering on lets get to it!

           I have a crazy accent. I grew up in Ireland, my mom and grandparents are English, and I had a lot of American friends. Since moving my accent is more on the English side though,

          I currently live in the United Kingdom! :) I’m not going to say exactly where for obvious reasons, so don’t be too nosey!

          I’m a big video game fan, although quite selective about what I play. I don’t like anything that’s based too much on real world warfare. I also don’t buy games very often. I prefer to play a game to absolute death before I even consider buying a new one. I want to really fully play what I have, and also it gives me time to save some money!

          I love coffee. I’m pretty sure a lot of you know this already, but I mean it’s still a fact, and as such has a place on this list.

          I’m a huge cereal fan. Cereal for breakfast is one of the best things. I don’t like heavy food for breakfast, so things like sausages bacon and eggs aren’t too great first thing. I’ll make an exception for pancakes though. Because, duh, pancakes.

          I used to have braces! Yup, and I’m so glad I did. My teeth weren’t the most... attractive before I had them. So I had my time with braces, and now viola I have mostly straight teeth!

          Kebabs might just be my favourite takeaway food. I have to put might here. There are so many amazing takeaway options... But doner kebabs with salad and garlic mayonnaise...Yummy!

          I was inspired to start photography after seeing a photography competition in a National Geographic Kids magazine! I had never really considered photography before then, but soon afterwards I bought my own camera and the fun began!

          I’m very self conscious about my smile! I actually have a crooked smile. When I smile my lips raise more on the right than the left!

          I think my best feature are my eyes. Sure one might be slightly a different shape, but they have long eyelashes and are a nice green colour. I’ve often wanted to try coloured contact lenses for fun, but I really so love my hazel/ green coloured eyes.

          If I had to dye my hair an unusual colour I’d pick purple.

          I take things very personally. Ohhh my. Way too personally. Although sometimes it can be a good thing, I think I take it too far! So, it’s something I’m trying to work on.

          My favourite perfume is ‘Killer Queen’ by Katy Perry! It’s just a really nice scent and can be used as a nice date perfume or just a daily one!

          I’m definitely not a morning person. I find it hard to find my motivation in the morning. I’m not nasty or snappish in the morning, I just find it hard to actually get up.

          My hair is naturally dry and frizzy. It took me too long to accept this! I used to have lovely soft hair as a kid, but overtime it’s changed. I stopped using heat products for years and put all sorts of weird oils on my noggin to try smooth it out, but now I’m just content with it’s wild witchy ways. Although if my hair is out and I’m not smiling, I might really be an evil witch....Who knows...

          One of the things on my bucket list is to see the northern lights!

          I love stretching! I don’t really call it yoga, but I do like a good stretching routine.

          My current favourite TV series is Vikings! (Caution though to anyone tempted to watch it. It is rated 18 for a reason!)

          I like both cats and dogs! I can’t decide which I like more. I think I’m just an overall animal lover. But, I’m not an insect lover. Some bugs scare me...Just a little.

          My star sign is Gemini! I don’t believe in star signs, but sometimes I find those type of things can be fun and interesting to learn about.

       And that is all! That’s 20 things that now you know about me! If you’d like to request a blog post idea be sure to leave a comment either on the blog or in an IG comment. And with that I’ll see you all in my next blog post! Sayonara!


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