My Top 10 Favourite Video Games

Animal Crossing New Horizons

My Top 10 Favourite Video Games

       Well hello there!
With recently posting some pictures of my Switch Lite into IG I thought I’d give you all a list of my top 10 video games. Please note this list will span across more than one platform! Maybe in the future I’ll do separate lists, but for now this is just an overall look. Also, they’re not in any particular order. I tried to do that, but it was just too hard!
So let’s get started!

       The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess  (Nintendo Wii)

 This is by far the best Zelda game I’ve ever played. A perfect mix of light and darkness. And this fangirl isn’t gonna lie; she thought that Link was pretty cute! The controls were easy to master and swinging a remote around like a maniac was always pretty satisfying. It also has an amazing story and I used to tear up at the ending.

       Harvest Moon  (Nintendo DS &3DS)

 I haven’t labelled a specific game here because I’ve tried a few in this series and I can’t decide which is my favourite. Harvest Moon games are that perfect ‘I’ll only play for 10 minutes’ then ‘I’VE BEEN PLAYING FOR TWO HOURS!?’ Kinda games. I’ll voice only one complaint and that’s the soundtracks are kinda repetitive, but I wouldn’t say it’s a big issue because you can just turn it down and listen to something else. Cute characters, cute animals. Not much of a story, but I’ve never found that to be an issue for me.

       The Elder Scrolls  (PC)

  This just had to go on my list. Now I’ve played Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim. I‘ve never played Elder Scrolls Online and I honestly don’t intend to because to be honest my laptop might just melt with all the work.
Morrowind is definitely my favourite when it comes to the story. However, as players of Morrowind know the combat system...Well putting it mildly is absolute...Rubbish. Oblivion was okay, it improved the combat system a little and it’s nice seeing a little bit of greenery! However it has my least favourite main story. Some of it’s redeeming points are the voice acting by Sean Bean and Patrick Stewart, and, the dark brotherhood quest line, which was honestly better than the main quest.
Skyrim...Haaaa What an experience. The combat finally works, the voice acting is good and a graphics are divine. It even has a good story line and a lot of fun things to explore. Skyrim also did away with that weird acrobatics system. So finally my jumps will stay as jumps and not mad wild leaps.

       The Witcher 3  (Nintendo Switch lite)

  I’m fairly new to this game after buying it when it first came out on the Switch. It is still my only Switch game...For now. Anyway, I wasn’t really sure if I was going to like it, but my husband loves it so I thought well lets give it a go. Now, I’ve never played any other version of this other than the Switch, so I can’t compare it across platforms. I love the Switch version, I’ve never had an issue with lag or graphics. I’ve had the occasional system error while playing, but I’ve played it a lot now and I guess it’s only happened 4 times. The story is magnificent, the characters are magnificent, the music is magnificent and combat works!

       Pokemon Ranger  (Nintendo DS)

  Throwing it waaay back with this old DS game. It’s a little different than your normal Pokemon game, but that was the great part about it! It was fun and in some places downright difficult! Lots of cute Pokemon and a story that didn’t entirely suck.

       Stalker  (PC)

  Ohhhh boy. I’m kinda surprising myself with this one, and I also have to say I haven't finished this game. It’s extremely well done though and if you like a challenge and don’t mind jump scares and mild heart attacks this is the game for you!

       Age of Empires  (PC)

  I have many many childhood memories of playing Age of Empires II. And I’m also a fan of III too. I don’t play any other strategy games other than this one, and lately I play multiplayer on II with my husband. III definitely has much better graphics and it’s campaign stories are actually amazing, but there’s a simple charm about II that III just does not have.

       Professor Layton Series  (Nintendo DS)

  If you’re looking for a puzzle games with great characters, story, and music these are the games for you. There are so many puzzles in the games and they really do range for pretty easy to rip your hair our tricky. Some you can get away with with the good ole ‘process of elimination’ (basically just keep guessing until you get it right). I didn’t think I would like these games as puzzles aren’t really my thing, but this game proved me wrong, and the story is so good you’ll keep coming back to it even though you have been stuck on that puzzle for ages.

       Animal Crossing Wild World  (Nintendo DS)

  The game that heavily promoted going into debt, but it’s a video game so we don’t talk about that... Anyway, this is just a really relaxing game. Even though there never really was that much to do, I did play it quite a lot. Especially when I used to play multiplayer with my friends. We’d stay up until early hours of the morning just playing Animal Crossing.

       Worms - Armageddon  (PC)

  Fun for all the family, until someone kills your entire team with a herd of mad cows... This is actually such a fun challenging game, although completely and absolutely bizarre. Launching explosives at your enemy (while they do the same to you) all while the terrain around you is slowly dissapearing and soon all you have left are tiny islands and if you fall off and into the water your worm dies... Or you could do what I did and carefully line up my enemies until it was safe enough to ‘prod’ them off their island into into the water. Nothing else like it.

And that’s it! My favourite top 10 video games. I know some of them might seem strange and outdated, but I really wanted to cover games that even though they’re ‘old’ are still favourites.


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